AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
This section contains knowledge relating to AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
Adding EKS Host Nodes
To add EKS host nodes, you need to create a new node group, or add additional nodes to an existing group. This is done via the AWS console, or via the AWS CLI.
AWS Console
Adding a New Node Group
- Sign into the AWs console.
- Navigate to Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
- Locate and select the cluster you want to add nodes to.
- Choose the Configuration tab.
- Choose the Compute tab.
- Click the Add Node Group button.
- Follow the guided deployment prompts to define:
- Node Group Name
- IAM role
- Recommended: Copy from the existing node group if you are unsure.
- Launch Template
- Recommended: Copy from the existing node group if you are unsure.
- Kubernetes Labels (optional)
- Kubernetes Taints (optional)
- If building a node group for a specific purpose, you can use taints to ensure that pods are only scheduled on the nodes in that group.
- see taints and tolerations for more information.
- Tags (optional)
- Click the Next button.
- Configure Node Group Compute
- AMI Type
- Capacity Type
- Instance Types
- Disk Size
- Scaling Parameters
- Minimum number of nodes
- Maximum number of nodes
- Desired number of nodes
- Maximum unavailable nodes
- Click the Next button.
- Configure connected subnet(s)
- Click the Next button.
- Review the configuration
- Confirm all the settings are correct.
- Click the Create button.
- Wait for the node group to be created.